Native trees take pride of place

“This restoration work will also encourage biodiversity on the site by creating new habitats for a range of wildlife.”

Peter Butterworth, general manager, Stone and Powders

In 2018 we planted thousands of trees in areas of the Tunstead quarries where we have finished working.


The planting is part of our ongoing approved restoration plan which will return the area to a more natural-looking landscape.

In total there have already been almost 4,000 trees including beech, rowan, hawthorn, hazel, holly, guelder rose and sycamore. Once mature these wooded areas will significantly improve the visual aspect of the site from local roads and vantage points, as well as enhance the landscape character of the restored quarry.

The local skills of a dry-stone wall builder and his team, are also being used to enhance restored areas by breaking them up with traditional looking boundaries to establish 1.5km of wall on site.

Peter Butterworth, general manager, Stone and Powders, said: “As we complete our work in areas of the quarry, our aim is to ‘restore as we go’ – providing green, wooded and walled areas as well as grassland for limestone pasture”.

“This restoration work will also encourage biodiversity on the site by creating new habitats for a range of wildlife.”

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